"It works! Ha ha, IT WORKS! I FINALLY build something that works!"

Just installed Ubuntu 14.04

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My Dell MZ1530 was not running Windows Vista particularly well and because it is a 32bit machine upgrading the windows OS was not an option. The machine was getting frustratingly slower and slower and ran very hot to the touch. This machine is no longer used for work and I decided to install Ubuntu 14.01 to help with my raspberry pi projects.

I don't have any past experience with Linux and had a few issues getting it up and running. Firstly the wireless adapter was not working, I could only access the network through the LAN cable.

sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get remove --purge bcml-kernel-source
sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree

Enable wireless network
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status verbose

Secondly the machine would not shut down properly, it would just hang on the shut down screen. This was solved by typing the following command into the terminal window(ctrl+alt+t).

sudo shutdown -h now

Once the machine restarted everything was up and running. I am not sure what fixed it in the end because I did so many things but after the reboot everything was working!

It's running smoother and cooler than before the reinstall.

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