"It works! Ha ha, IT WORKS! I FINALLY build something that works!"

ZenvaAcademy + Phaser Game Framework

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I recently discovered Phaser a gaming framework for javascript and HTML5. It looks great and I immediately looked for info online. I have never done a course on ZenvaAcademy and thought I would give it a try. The first thing to note is that this is not a FREE course but they accepted Paypal transactions. It will set you back a few $$$'s.

You should be fairly confident with your javascript ability and I was very happy to see that they implement some very nice OOP principles.  Assuming you meet the above criterea this is a nice framework that handles game states, game physics and garbage collection very nicely.

Through the course you build a runner style game and each new chapter builds very nicely on top of the last. I found that the progression starts off fairly easy but by the end there is a fair amount of complexity added to the game.

SO would I recommend that you part with your hard earned $$$'s and take this course, absolutely! Happy coding and checkout the finished game!

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